moonrise and moonset in Ribadesella (2.4 km) | moonrise and moonset in Vega (3.3 km) | moonrise and moonset in Caravia (7 km) | moonrise and moonset in llames de Pria (9 km) | moonrise and moonset in La Isla (10 km) | moonrise and moonset in Villanueva (12 km) | moonrise and moonset in San Telmo (13 km) | moonrise and moonset in Picones (14 km) | moonrise and moonset in Lastres (14 km) | moonrise and moonset in Hontoria (15 km) | moonrise and moonset in Luces (16 km) | moonrise and moonset in Naves (17 km) | moonrise and moonset in Santa Mera (20 km) | moonrise and moonset in Niembru (21 km) | moonrise and moonset in Villar (22 km) | moonrise and moonset in Barro (22 km) | moonrise and moonset in Celorio (24 km) | moonrise and moonset in Villaviciosa (24 km) | moonrise and moonset in Póo (26 km) | moonrise and moonset in San Miguel (26 km)