moonrise and moonset in Mörbylånga (7 km) | moonrise and moonset in Färjestaden (8 km) | moonrise and moonset in Kalmar (8 km) | moonrise and moonset in Sandvik (12 km) | moonrise and moonset in Klovehälls Läge (14 km) | moonrise and moonset in Kolboda (14 km) | moonrise and moonset in Aledal (14 km) | moonrise and moonset in Stenåsa (16 km) | moonrise and moonset in Hagby-Bläsinge (19 km) | moonrise and moonset in Stora Rör (20 km) | moonrise and moonset in Drag (22 km) | moonrise and moonset in Mellby (23 km) | moonrise and moonset in Djursvik (25 km) | moonrise and moonset in Ekerumshamn (26 km) | moonrise and moonset in Degerhamn (26 km) | moonrise and moonset in Folkeslunda (27 km) | moonrise and moonset in Lugnet (30 km) | moonrise and moonset in Torngård (30 km) | moonrise and moonset in Fågelsudden (33 km) | moonrise and moonset in Össby (35 km)