moonrise and moonset in 佐久島 (8 km) | moonrise and moonset in 立馬崎 (10 km) | moonrise and moonset in 美浜町 (10 km) | moonrise and moonset in 伊良湖 (13 km) | moonrise and moonset in テラズ (13 km) | moonrise and moonset in 福江 (15 km) | moonrise and moonset in 碧南市 (16 km) | moonrise and moonset in 神島 (16 km) | moonrise and moonset in 武豊町 (17 km) | moonrise and moonset in 須崎 (20 km) | moonrise and moonset in 半田市 (20 km) | moonrise and moonset in 形原 (22 km) | moonrise and moonset in 赤羽 (22 km) | moonrise and moonset in 常滑 (23 km) | moonrise and moonset in 鳥羽 (26 km) | moonrise and moonset in 蒲郡 (27 km) | moonrise and moonset in 鬼崎 (27 km) | moonrise and moonset in 三谷 (28 km) | moonrise and moonset in 伊勢市 (29 km) | moonrise and moonset in 東浦町 (29 km)