tide table
tide table


tides for Black Joke Cove
Black Joke Cove
52° 01' 00" N55° 52' 00" W
tides for Brownell Point
Brownell Point
59° 25' 00" N63° 51' 00" W
tides for Cabot Point
Cabot Point
53° 43' 00" N59° 01' 60" W
tides for Cape Kakkiviak (Williams Harbour)
Cape Kakkiviak (Williams Harbour)
60° 00' 00" N64° 16' 00" W
tides for Caravalla Cove
Caravalla Cove
54° 02' 60" N58° 34' 60" W
tides for Castle Island
Castle Island
51° 58' 00" N55° 51' 00" W
tides for Davis Inlet
Davis Inlet
55° 52' 60" N60° 53' 60" W
tides for Denbigh Island
Denbigh Island
52° 31' 60" N55° 49' 60" W
tides for Emily Harbour
Emily Harbour
54° 31' 60" N57° 10' 60" W
tides for Ford Harbour
Ford Harbour
56° 27' 00" N61° 12' 00" W
tides for House Harbour
House Harbour
56° 13' 60" N61° 02' 60" W
tides for Jordans Point
Jordans Point
54° 13' 00" N58° 13' 60" W
tides for Makkovik
55° 04' 60" N59° 10' 00" W
tides for Makkovik Bank North
Makkovik Bank North
55° 43' 00" N58° 12' 00" W
tides for Northwest River
Northwest River
53° 31' 00" N60° 08' 60" W
tides for Postville
54° 53' 60" N59° 46' 60" W
tides for Sandwich Bay (East Arm)
Sandwich Bay (East Arm)
53° 34' 00" N57° 10' 00" W
tides for Shoal Tickle
Shoal Tickle
55° 46' 00" N60° 22' 00" W
tides for Smokey
54° 28' 00" N57° 15' 00" W
tides for Terrington Basin
Terrington Basin
53° 21' 00" N60° 23' 60" W
tides for Turnavik Island
Turnavik Island
55° 17' 60" N59° 21' 00" W
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