moonrise and moonset in Quảng Phúc (6 km) | moonrise and moonset in Quảng Thọ (13 km) | moonrise and moonset in Nam Bắc (14 km) | moonrise and moonset in Xuân Hoà beach (19 km) | moonrise and moonset in Dong Hoi (Nhat Le River Entrance) (21 km) | moonrise and moonset in Quảng Trạch (26 km) | moonrise and moonset in Thành phố Đồng Hới (27 km) | moonrise and moonset in Vung Chua Bay (31 km) | moonrise and moonset in Quảng Ninh (39 km) | moonrise and moonset in Hải Ninh (43 km) | moonrise and moonset in Kỳ Lợi (46 km) | moonrise and moonset in Lệ Thủy (54 km)