UV Index in South Ashley Bridge (1.8 mi.) | UV Index in Fort Johnson (2.6 mi.) | UV Index in Shem Creek (2.6 mi.) | UV Index in James Island Creek (1 mi. above ent.) (2.9 mi.) | UV Index in Wappoo Creek (3.0 mi.) | UV Index in Hobcaw Point (3 mi.) | UV Index in Fort Sumter (3 mi.) | UV Index in Shipyard Creek (0.8 mile above entrance) (4 mi.) | UV Index in Duck Island (4 mi.) | UV Index in The Cove (Fort Moultrie) (4 mi.) | UV Index in Elliott Cut Entrance (5 mi.) | UV Index in Ben Sawyer Bridge (5 mi.) | UV Index in Cosgrove Bridge (5 mi.) | UV Index in Sullivans Island (outer Coast) (5 mi.) | UV Index in Clouter Creek (South Entrance) (5 mi.) | UV Index in Breach Inlet (Isle Of Palms) (7 mi.) | UV Index in Ashley River (I-526 Bridge) (7 mi.) | UV Index in Folly Creek (Hwy. 171 Bridge) (8 mi.) | UV Index in Folly River (North, Folly Island) (8 mi.) | UV Index in Hamlin Creek (Isle Of Palms) (8 mi.)